Traveling across America in an RV- Tales, Stories, Songs and Photographs

Never, Ever, say Never

There was a time when I was absolutely convinced that I would never eat oysters. After all, everyone knows that they have a consistency of something you’d cough up when you have a bad cold....

Following the Flow

With our camper attached to the truck, we inch our little turtle shell to the gate of the campground where we’ve lived for the past month in the tip of Southern Florida.  The gate arm...

No Sharks in Shark Valley

Hear someone mention the Everglades and you, perhaps like myself, conjure up images of fast moving air-boats cutting through eerie black swamp waters and mosquito infested thick cypress forests. The early settlers drained the swamp and logged the fields and in...

My Mouth is a Festival

My nose feels like it is on a ride in Disney world.  I peddle my bike down a nice, flat, south Florida side street and suddenly I am slapped with the oh so welcoming...

2016 Travel Thoughts

Our only true plan for this year is to try and stay where the weather is the nicest, follow the seasons if we can, and be free and open enough to let the wind...

Losing your mate

Have you ever lost some thing precious to you? Something that you held dear,  and well, okay… you may have even loved a little. I’m not talking about a person, friend or family member...

It’s How We Roll in St. Augustine

When we rolled our little turtle shell into Saint Augustine we really didn’t have a planned agenda.  We knew we wanted to take in the ancient city and discover a bit about its history,...

What the heck is that on my head?

We’ve written a few stories now about the many great discoveries we had while we visited St. Augustine for a month. We found historical gems, cute little cafés, quaint gardens and side roads that...

The Sweet Bread Crumbs

A month has passed us by already since our official one year anniversary of becoming full-time travelers. Sense of time is something we have completely lost. Each day used to be measured in hours...